Friday, December 19, 2014

Between the holy and the fake.

From the beginning of times, humans were seeking Higher Powers to give them protection and serenity.
Some populations named it God; while others gave Him different names ...
The importance remains in the feeling that occurs in the person’s life.      

 Is it the need of inner peace or simply the reason is humanity's weaknesses?

I don’t have the answer for that, but what’s shocking is the distortion and diversion in the meaning of spirituality into the commercial side of it!
In the past, holidays were a period of blessings, kindness and charity!!!                People used to look warmly into each other’s eyes and say Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Eid Mubarak, or whatever the occasion was…

In time, things have changed and people have changed too, the Holy Period has become empty of its meaning.

Can we call it the century of stress, of depression?  Or the weariness that exhausts us?
Or simply the pressure of society, and how pleasing others is so essential these days.
Do we need to prove anything to ourselves or to others? Why all this perpetual running? And urge to shop or fill our houses with presents?   

Since when this period of year has become superficial and fake?     
Since when the longest tree that we decorate with fancy ornaments is the sign of our goodness?

poor people : Homeless abandoned family Stock Photo

We pass by old people or poor children on the streets, who are in need, and we ignore them, shutting the door to the humanity side in our hearts, while pretending that life is perfect!

Throughout times
, Man has created those holy and sacred memories in order to stay attached to the bright side of humanity.                                                                           But year after year the sad reality showed us that this special period of time turned     out to bring out the greediness in humanity.

And when the selfishness reigns, we lose our souls in the passivity of our reactions, towards the tragedies of the world around us…

 What else can be rewarding???
Written by Hayat Aoun

Monday, December 8, 2014

عصر التعنيف

مرّت الإنسانيّة خلال تطوّرها بمراحل عدّة، لعلّ أهمّها التطوّر الذي حصل على مستوى ترويض الحواسّ.
وبغضّ النظر عن صحّة  نظرية "داروين" في أصول الإنسان وتطوّره، لا بدّ لنا ان نعترف ان طريق البشريّة كان طويلاً في مجال تهذيب غرائزه الأساسيّة.
كان يدافع عن نفسه بوحشيّة اذا تعرّض للخطر، لأن غريزة البقاء كانت تحكم حياته في تلك المرحلة، وتتحكّم بسلوكه.
لكن الوضع تغيّر بالإجمال في يومنا هذا، ففي القرن الواحد والعشرين اصبح العالم يتغنّى بالتطوّر والديموقراطيّة وحريّة الإنسان، بل ويُغالي بهذه القيم، حتّى افقدها روحيّتها في بعض الأحيان.
وإذ بنا نواجه اليوم بعض الناس "اذا جازت التسمية" لا تزال تعيش في العصور الحجرية، لأن العنف ما زال يسيّرها، ويتحكّم بأفعالها، فتفقد السيطرة على اعصابها، ويعميها الغضب.
إنّ التعنيف لا يقتصر على جنس من البشر ولا على دين او بلد او لون، بل انه يطال الجميع، لأنه سلوك بشريّ معيب وغير سويّ.
التعنيف يكون جسديّاً وعاطفيّاً ولفظيّاً ويطال المرأة والرجل والطفل على السواء،
 هوعندما تمتدّ اليد كي تضرب بدل ان تمسح الدموع عن الوجوه
وعندما يصبح اللسان اداةً للإهانة بدل الكلمة الرقيقة التي تبلسم الجراح
وعندما تتهكّم العين بدل ان تحنو بنظرات الحبّ والإخاء
وعندما ينتفي الحوار بين الأشخاص لتحلّ مكانه لغة اللؤم  والتهجّم
وهوعندما يتحوّل الإنسان مسخاً يؤذي ويؤنب ويهين

عندها، تبكي الإنسانيّة مخلوقات يُفترض بها ان تكون بشريّة.
بقلم حياة عون

Friday, November 28, 2014

Stop the Violence

What a "wonderful" world, men are still murdering women in my country, what a shame for humanity!!!!!
Men are so powerful as they "can" beat their wives, their daughters, their sisters and sometimes their mothers...  They  have the right to murder them in the name of "honor" or some any other reason!
What have we done? those men were once small boys. How could they evolve from kids to monsters?
This is our fault definitely, it's our upbringing that made them who/what they are today, shame on us, shame on this society that differentiates between girls and boys.
The education system is miserable in Lebanon, starting in the family, ending I don't know where.
 Maybe we are different!
Yes we are different, we are more sensitive, much more passionate, hard workers as well.
Stop the Violence! all sorts of Violence, physical verbal, psychological emotional.....,
 And become real men!
 Let me tell you something, the strongest man is the one who  loves and cherishes his woman above all. who defies the whole world to wipe her tears away, and make her smile, and only then he could live in peace.
Let her be the light in your life, and believe me, this way she can guide you to the sky!!!!!
Written by Hayat Aoun

Thursday, November 20, 2014

To rise again

At a certain age, the woman starts feeling a kind of emptiness in her world, her life seems worthless with no support.
When her kids are grown up, and her man is taking her for granted.
Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she barely recognizes the dynamic young girl she used to be, and her solitude becomes thicker and painful.
She starts thinking about the future, is it too late to rise again from reality, and is it too hard to start over?
Maybe but this is her only chance to feel alive again, to do and become anything but machine.
Through the years that woman forgot her own dreams, to become only what others wanted her to be, and one day she found the bitter reality in the hardest way. 

Despite the sadness in her eyes, her heart plays a new melody, her dignity never died, and the strong woman finds her way again.
Written by Hayat Aoun

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My blog

For those who are wondering if it’s a new blog of extreme feminism, well it’s not.
I’m not a feminist, I simply advocate for human rights, old people, and children, but above all, I deeply believe in equal rights for woman.
Silent, regressed and depressed women with low self-esteem cannot be a part of a healthy society, which leads to many problems.

Let our women be free, let them breathe, let them simply live.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Who am I

I'm a woman, a mother, a wife, i'm everything i supposed to be in the society. But i have dreams about another life, another world, another perceptions, another expectations.
What does a woman want? what do i want? apparently i have everything, but still, i always felt something is missing, to figure this out i will try to put my thoughts, my personal experiences, and my point of view in this blog, so i can know, by the power of words, the way to take, the aim to reach, whatever it is.....