Sunday, January 25, 2015

Religious Intolerance

What dilemma in our society… “Religious Intolerance”!!!
What false ideas stuffed in our heads since childhood? How and what for, this kind of education could be useful for us? I can’t believe some people could be narrow minded to an extent where they carry college degrees but have no discernment whatsoever!!!!
Does God need us as soldiers in his favor? Does He want us to hate each other by defending His Name? And finally does He accept that we persecute our brothers in humanity because we believe that this shall satisfy Him?
…Personally, I don’t believe so!!!  I believe in kindness, in good hearts and souls, in human relationships.
So for all the arrogant people who defend the Almighty God, I’m telling you this is worthless. We are fed up with ignorant and blind fanatic stubborn people.
Written by Hayat Aoun

Monday, January 12, 2015

Guerre des pensées


En ces temps-là, la démocratie et la liberté de la parole sont en deuil. 
Le monde libre paie le prix avec le sang, le crayon qui dessine les larmes et les sourires des gens, affronte l’arme effrayante de la haine et de l’obscurité.
Ce n’est plus une simple question de bien et du mal, du juste ou du faux, c’est la guerre des pensées et de l’expression qui guide les instincts, c’est l’obscurité des âmes qui est en cause.
 Les hommes s’affrontent parce que la tolérance entre eux est absente, le respect des valeurs humaines est faible, et les esprits sont médiocres.
Les mentalités malades qui règnent de nos jours, sont désespérantes, depuis les premiers temps, des hommes s’entretuaient pour des raisons quelconques, mais le fanatisme religieux qui ronge les sociétés de nos jours, contribue à diminuer les principes fondamentaux que l’humanité a peiné des siècles à acquérir.
L’essentiel dans la guerre d’aujourd’hui qu’elle est contre la DIVERSITE, tout ce qui ne leur ressemble pas, ne pensent pas comme eux est un adversaire qu’il faut éliminer, la liberté d’expression devient un détail devant le grand schéma.

Un schéma qui s’avère très sombre, mais le présent qui pleure amèrement le sang coulé des plumes cassées, ne peut que relever la tête et effacer la gifle, car  l’avenir ne pardonne pas la lâcheté des hommes.
Par Hayat Aoun

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Prejudice in society.

Power is one of the issues in modern societies, I have been thinking about it for a while; not as an international question, nor as an abstract one, but simply between man and woman in our societies, because the game is different compared other societies, it could be better or worse, I know.
It has always been said that the power of a person comes from his brilliant mind or his/her strong character facing the world. Separating him or her from their entourage.
What I really think is we are minimizing the role of society, family, and even a partner in life, the role of our educational system and the struggle of faith and beliefs that made us who we are now.
The main idea is that the power can be a process of reprogramming our sub-conscience to fit in the big image of the entire picture in a given society.
A strong charactered man is the one who achieves success in life, business, personal life or simply what society considers it success.
In our society the image is the same, it differs only in the case of women.
A strong woman is not a woman that succeeds in job; she is the one who says NO to what others oblige her to be or to do. She might make wrong choices of course, but can she change that and move forward in her life like in divorce for example? I have seen many cases around me, where she finds a powerful system fighting against her, and imprisoning her in virtual iron barriers of absurdities, starting with her own family, to judicial rulings that judges her and not like a partner in a reciprocal problem.
No matter how strong she is, she finds herself weakened by society that limits her from achieving what she aims in life.
In the same time, this whole system considers a divorce for a man as a simple mistake or a small failure in his personal life, and he moves on with his life…
A huge difference between them both, right???
So the power cannot be only a matter of a strong personality, but a big circle combining all the issues of an entire life. What is simple for him, in most cases, is not for her, no matter how and why…
I think also, that individuals are equal in life; I’m raising my kids, boys and girls to respect each other’s rights, so they can succeed in life, throwing all the prejudice behind them, and see the truth as it is, not as society sees it.
I tell them that the human mind is very powerful; its potentials are unlimited, the essence remains in the capacity to keep ourselves away from the brain washing that we receive since birth to present times which shapes the future.
What separates individuals men or women from success, is not only their capacity to think or act brilliantly, it is unfortunately the way they imprison themselves with this cocoon of ideas, and how to earn others admiration.
When we can simply reprogram our sub-conscience to achieve anything we want in life, and to live our life fully.
Written by Hayat Aoun